Top 10 Highly Effective Tips to Gain Respect From Others [Part-5]

 Hi my friends, welcome again

Since, I have already told that I am going to publish the another 5 parts of  [Top 10 highly effective tips to gain respect from others], that's why today I am here with this and the blog post is going to be the another 4th part of it. If you haven't checked the previous four posts already, then you can have a look of them and the links will be given below. 

Also read: Top 10 highly effective tips to gain respect from others

         Top 10 highly effective tips to gain respect from others [Part -2] 

          Top 10 highly effective tips to gain respect from others [Part-3]

         Top 10 highly effective tips to gain respect from others [Part-4]

Just like the previous blog posts, in today's blog post, I am going to be talking about another 10 highly effective tips that will definitely help you to gain respect from others.



So, if you're being interested, then continue reading to the last.  


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Top 10 strategies to gain respect from others   

 1. Respect yourself:

  Tons of people are out there in the world who feel comfortable to talk bad things about themselves. I know this is entirely unexpected and unbelievable. But, it's true and for the most part people do speak bad words about themselves temporarily when they get any disappointment in their lives and they start hating themselves. Sometimes, they also do this unseriously only as a joke. Some of the most common bad things people say about themselves most frequently are, "My future is really bad." or, "Nothing can be done by me", "I am good for nothing", "I am a loser", "I hate myself" and the list goes on. If you have ever said anything like this about you, then just STOP!! Confessing your mistakes in front of other people is good. But, when you begin saying negative words about yourself in front of other people excessively and without taking it solemnly, then you gradually start losing respect. Because, when they ( other people) hear these negative things about you from your own mouths several times, then consequently they start taking it gravely and presume that you're a bad person. On top of that, if you can't respect yourself, then others won't respect you as well. So, always be aware of this!

2. Speak up when you feel mistreated: 

In your entire life, you will meet various types of people. Some of them will be your great wisher. And some of them will be happy when they will be able to make you feel down. No human in the world can take insult. If you're a quiet person, who dislikes having a mess with other people, then some people will take the advantage of your silence. They will desire to mistreat you and insult you. Now, in that circumstance, if you will brook everything and if you presume that they will cut it out too, then you will be under the impression. Since, people who love to tease will never be stopped. They will disrespect you more. So, the only way you can follow is to protest it.. Just speak up whenever you feel mistreated. Even, as you already know, people don't like a person who just cries and can't do anything. Just like this, they respect and like someone who has a great personality and can fight for themselves as well.


3. Speak less than you do:

Heaps of people in the world used to have a bad habit. And that is they always speak more than they ever do. Moreover, they also used to talk about the next step they're going to take in the future that they haven't taken yet. Even, you will be surprised to know that psychology has also given an explanation about why people do like this. Psychology says that, when a person starts getting success or when they have a good plan, then they can never keep it a secret since the human brain always desires to get attention and appreciation from others. If you're one of those people who does this, then you should know that you literally lose respect when you speak more than you do. Because, when you talk a lot about something, and suddenly when you fail at it, then simply people start bullying you. On the other hand, when you speak less than you do, then you can surprise other people effortlessly with the consequences and can gain admiration as well!!


4. Be punctual:

Nowadays, most people actually don't care that much about time. Plus, they actually don't take punctuality as a great deal. If you're one of those people, then you should know that punctuality is obviously a big deal that you should take solemnly. People hate an unpunctual person. Even a person who is not punctual also used to be untrusted by other people. On the other hand, being punctual will give you tons of advantages. According to tenbefits, being punctual and on time eliminates stress from your life and removes the anxiety of being late and helps you in being calm and organized. There are no forgotten items. Punctuality improves others' Perception of you and people start seeing you as a matured, serious and devoted individual. So, start being punctual from today and also inspire other people around you to be punctual as well!!


5. Take responsibilities and fulfill them:

Reams of people are being out there in the world who used to be too afraid of taking responsibilities. They always try their level best to avoid responsibilities. Moreover, there is also one category of shitty and lethargic people who used to take ample responsibilities for proving themselves as a matured, serious and great person in front of others but never fulfill them anyway. If you're one of those people, then you should know that for living in a friendly and positive society or community, you must take and share responsibilities with other people. You can never avoid it anyway. Furthermore, there isn't actually any advantage of taking loads of responsibilities if you can't fulfill them. Just take only that amount of duties that fit in your abilities. If someone desires to give you any duty that it's impossible for you to fulfill in time, then it's okay to say 'no'. But, if you will take the responsibility only for pleasing someone, then when you won't be able to fulfill this, then the person will start hating you more and also will consider you as a liar! So, always be aware of these thing.



6. Understand your self worth:

Self-worth is the internal sense of being good enough and worthy of love and belonging from others. Understanding the worth of yourself is so pivotal if you want to live a happy and healthy life. I am saying this because thousands of people are out there who never understand their self worth. Consequently, they used to be too harsh on themselves and even judge themselves based on other thoughts. Over and above that, they keep comparing themselves with other people and gradually get depressed at a time and can never live a better life by holding the securities about themselves. When you don't understand your self worth, eventually you also start ruining your personality. And as you already know, no one ever adores a person with a low quality personality. So understand your self worth and value yourself!!

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7. Be a good listener:

Being a good listener is like an uncommon skill that everyone can't handle. Most of the people extremely hate those people who always keep talking about themselves and never listen to other opinions or words. When you become a good listener, then people love to talk with you. On top of that, you are likely to have good relationships and friendships in your life since people understand that you care about their opinion. Even a good listener is most likely to be an accomplished person in their career. Another advantage of being a good listener is, you can take better actions and decisions and also you can be a good leader by being a good listener. However, as I have said at the very beginning, being a good listener is like practicing an invaluable skill. So, start practicing this invaluable skill from today!! 

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8. Don't waste anyone's time:

As an ambitious person, you will always desire to get surrounded by good, serious and devoted people. And as you already know that great people hate to waste a single minute. When you're having this kind of people around you, then make sure that you're respecting their time. According to theorderexpert, there are always some incredible ways that you can follow to respect other people's time. Such as, starting meeting on time, ending your meeting on time, naming your time and sticking to it etc. So, start giving value to other people's time from today

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9. Have a good memory:

There used to always be some beautiful dates, occasions and memories in a person's life. Such as, the birthday of your favorite person or a beautiful memory. Whatever it is, it's always necessary to remember them in life. Since in different situations you have to memorize them. Moreover, having a good memory is also a cornerstone for having a productive day. For instance, maybe you are having ample necessary tasks to do in your day. Now, if you will forget about them, then of course it's going to be a wrong thing happened with you. Even having a good memory also helps you to stay happy. According to verywellmind, Our memory helps make us who we are. From fondly recollecting childhood events to remembering where we left our keys, memory plays a vital role in every aspect of our lives. It provides us with a sense of self and makes up our continual experience of life. Reading books can be an extremely effective strategy to increase the capacity of your memory. So, start having a good memory from today!!

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10. Give more than you get:

Giving something isn't always associated with giving materials. In your long life, you will meet thousands of people. Some of them will hate you and some of them will fulfill your life with love, affection and good memories. When you're getting all these from someone, then give them more of these. Because, offering something more than you get helps to improve the friendships and relationships around you. Moreover, it also helps to improve your community and to gain admiration from other people. Even, the most wondering truth is, somewhere giving more than you get also makes you delighted. So start applying the eye opening tips in your life from today and enjoy the consequences!!

Overview of all the points in short:

 1. Respect yourself.

2. Speak up when you feel mistreated.

3. Speak less than you do.

4. Be punctual.

5. Take responsibilities and fulfill them.

6. Understand your self worth.

7. Be a good listener.

8. Don't waste anyone's time.

9. Have a good memory.

10. Give more than you get.


No more today. Don't forget to leave a comment about what you think about the post. If you know about any strategy that hasn't been listed her, but people can follow it to gain respect, then let me know about it on the comment section

Finally, if you liked it then don't forget to share it with others who can find it useful. Because, "Sharing is caring" 


Stay tuned, goodbye!!!




  1. I think you captured everything here. I'm storing this list and will use it as a point of reference. Sometimes I feel very disrespected and when I look at this list, I can identify areas where I fell short. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Respect yourself.

    2. Speak up when you feel mistreated.

    3. Speak less than you do.

    4. Be punctual.

    5. Take responsibilities and fulfill them.

    6. Understand your self worth.

    7. Be a good listener.

    8. Don't waste anyone's time.

    9. Have a good memory.

    10. Give more than you get.

  2. I am so happy to read this. It's a great piece of advice one would give. Thanks so much for sharing l.

  3. This is a good read!! Thank you so much for sharing!!

  4. Great article. Love no 2 and 10 in particular. thanks for sharing.

  5. I really love this post. Thanks for sharing.

  6. These are fantastic tips. I think a giving spirit is good for the world and for us.

  7. I have the most problems with understanding my self worth. Only when the children grow up and become grownups will I know how much I am worth and whether I did a good job.

  8. I am glad I have come across your article. These are exactly the things you need to do to gain respect and live a happier life.

  9. Great tips! It's so important for us to start with ourselves and respect ourself first. It's also important to listen more than we speak to your point. I find that the person who does not do all the talking convinces others to listen to them when they do speak.

  10. If only everybody cared enough to follow these rules! Respect is earned and these steps spell out how.

  11. Thanks for sharing all these tips. It's very important to do more and speak less and always use your brain first before using your mouth. I hate it when people speak without thinking about it first.

  12. Speaking up is key. I think that is huge and more people need to be aware of that!

  13. Being punctual is everything. People really pay attention to that. Great post, thanks for sharing.

  14. Those are some wonderful tips to keep in mind and totally agree with them especially the first one. Respect yourself is one of the most important ones.

  15. Wonderful post with great tips. Respecting yourself is so important. Speak less do more is one of my favorites. I believe as we do more we earn more respect. Thank you for sharing these great tips.

    Pastor Natalie

  16. Respecting oneself is really very important. Great tips and good read.

  17. Each one of these are very important tips. It seems people no longer respect themselves let alone anyone else for that matter! We must be mindful at all times to respect others space also.

  18. Great tips here. respect is definitely a good thing to earn for yourself and from other people

  19. These are great points. Yes to respecting yourself first.

  20. I agree with these as well. You definitely need to respect yourself first. That is a great one.

  21. I completely agree that listening more and speaking less is a good way to gain respect.

  22. Love this post. <3 Respecting yourself is definitely important if you want respect from others!

  23. These are fantastic tips. Speaking up for myself more is what I need

  24. I agree that if you don't respect yourself, it is hard to gain the respect of others. A lack of confidence really shows.

  25. That "speak less" thing.. whew. That's a hard one for me and for a lot of people I am around!

  26. I love all of these! Completely agree - especially w/ #2!

  27. Gaining respect and giving respect for hand in hand

  28. Having respect for yourself is the best way to earn it from other people. These are excellent tips. Thanks for sharing!

  29. I love these tips! As an introvert, I have no trouble listening more than speaking, but I need to get better at speaking up for myself.

  30. Having a good memory and remember certain details from a conversation can definitely help! Great tips here

  31. These are all really great tips! This is going to be so helpful! Thank you so much for sharing this to us!

  32. Giving respect to others is really important! These are really helpful tips! I'm surely gonna keep this in mind!

  33. What an amazing piece of information of having good memory, these are wonderful tips that you can impletement now. to have the great details from any conversation.

  34. I am guilty of not speaking up for myself. I’m working on bettering that trait so that I can do it without feeling guilty for doing it.

  35. I am guilty of not speaking up for myself. I’m working on bettering that trait so that I can do it without feeling guilty for doing it.

  36. These are great tips! I think one of the most important thing to gain respect is to always be on time!

  37. These are great tips. Everyone wants to be respected, but not everyone knows how to get respect. This post will help.


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