Top 10 warning signs that will tell you that you're overthinking

 Hi my friends, welcome again

Overthinking has become one of the most common mental health disease in the world after depression. In the language of medical science, it's also named as anxiety disorder. You can also say that overthinking is one of the most disturbing mental health disease that I have had ever seen and for the most part it used to be self created. People who overthink for every little think, used to have the malady by time and then as days used to be going, they start losing all of the inner happiness of their life. 

Some people might pretend outside that they're not having any prob but only the people who suffer from overthinking know that how much killing it is! There are also a masses of people are being who don't even understand sometimes that they're suffering from anxiety disorder, as a result they used to be dying inside without taking any action and soon they used to face different critical mental health disease and some of them even used to have a brain damage only for overthinking a lot. 

Even more and more people in the world have started working from home. If you're one of those people who work from home by being the boss of themselves, then you should know that working from home is maybe affecting your mental health more than you think. If you want to know more about this, then check out this awesome and informative post "Working from home maybe affecting our mental health than we think"

If you're one of those puzzled people, who are still confused that if they're having anxiety disorder or not, then the blog post is for you. Because, in today's post, I am going to be talking about top 10 warning and authentic signs that will tell you that you're overthinking,


So if you're being interested, then continue reading to the last.

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Top 10 warning signs that will tell you that you're overthinking


1. You take things personally:

What is meant by taking things personally. Well, let me share a story of me when I was suffering from anxiety disorder so that you can have a better view of it. Once, estimated two years ago, in my school we were having  a badminton tournament. Simply, it was having two teams. I was involved in one team. Despite of working hard, at last for some little mistakes our team was lost. 

Normally, for that every of our team members was feeling bad. But, I was exceptional. I started thinking that our team lost only for me and I was the culprit. That's why, only in the next day when everyone was normal then I was feeling so depressed and apologetic to myself. Only for taking this personally I suffered for some months. But I was fortunate enough to have a pair of bolstering parents who helped me to get rid of the overthinking trap. So, if you're having any situation like this in your life, then for sure you're overthinking.



2. You regret a lot for those embarrassing things that happened with you in past:

We all used to have three parts of our life. Past, present, and future. Not necessarily every of us is going to have a good past. We all are humans and it's normal that we are going to have embarrassing moments and mistakes in our past life. If you can remember something bad or embarrassing that happened with you in past. 

Then, I want to tell you that you're not alone. I am also having several bad things in my past even we're not alone because almost every person in the world is having something bad that happened with them at past. But, it doesn't mean that we will have to regret for them now. We will have to be careful and will have to make sure that our mistakes are not going to be repeated anymore. Now, there can be simply 2 types of people. The first one is the cool people who walk away by forgetting their past and works for their future. On the other hand, there are also some other people are being who keep regretting for the bad shits that happened with them at past. If you're a person of the second category, I mean if you feel that somewhere you still feel regressive for your bad past, then I am sure that you're overthinking. As it's one of the the biggest sign of almost every overthinker that they can never let their past go and they keep over analyzing the bad things that happened with them at past.



3. You're afraid of letting people go:

A tones of people are being out there who used to be afraid of letting people go. If you will look around, you will find many cases where a masses of people prefer to stay with the person by whom they have been teased and even have been cheated sometimes. Now you call them a fool. Some other people might claim that it's the strength of their relationship. But it's not the case. I have seen and I know that a bunch of people are being out there who are afraid of staying alone.

 Furthermore, some of them used to be overthinking that, if they will leave a person who has teased them, then it will be impossible to find a person to stay with them anymore. If you're one of them, then you should know that there is no wrong with staying alone. Having the power of staying alone is an extra ordinary strength that most of the people in the earth are not having. Even, it's nowhere written that always you will have to be the person to be in the search of a person. Sometimes, you should relay on the destiny because the right person will find you by himself. 



4. You're having insomnia:

Insomnia is a serious sleeping problem. The people who used to have insomnia might suffer a lot while sleeping. More than half (51%) of adults worldwide report they get less sleep than they need on an average night, and 80 percent of adults say they are using weekend days to make up for sleep lost during the week, according to Princess Cruises' ninth annual Relaxation Report. 

If you feel that you're having insomnia then overthinking can be also a reason before that. Because most of the people with insomnia have stated that overthinking is one of the biggest reason that never let them to sleep. At night, when they try to sleep, they used to have a tones of worries and thoughts about various things in their real life that prevent them from sleeping badly.


5. You're afraid of making decisions:

People who do overthinking face up difficulties while making any decision. One of the biggest reason before that is over analyzing. Only for over analyzing a lot, it feels quite a lot challenging for an overthinker to stick to only one point, and even when it comes to make a solemn decision, then it becomes almost impossible for them to take a decision.

 Moreover, when an overthinker takes a decision finally, then sometimes they might tend to second guess it. Second guessing while making decisions means where you have already made a final decision but momentarily you doubt the correction of the decision and you tend to alter the decision.


6. You take much time to answer a question:

Taking much time than the usual is also a sign that you're overthinking. Apparently all questions are not going to be the same. Sometimes, you can have some nerve-breaking questions that can be feeling apparently daunting to answer. In that case, obviously you can take some sort of minutes to answer that. But, whatever the question is, you should never take more that two minutes to answer a question. 

But, if you know someone who take more than two minutes to answer a simple question, then probably the person is an overthinker. Because, when a person takes time to answer a question, then you will have to understand that the person is being incapable to stick around only one answer and as a result he is over analyzing the question or the answer of the question more and more and it becomes impossible for him to answer that question right that moment . Just like that, if you're taking a tones of times to answer an usual question or if people around you are saying that you take an ample of times to answer a question, then possibly you're overthinking. 



7. People  around you are saying that you're overthinking:

Have you ever faced up any situation  where you have been outraged with something and reacted a lot with other people and when you're not uptight anymore, then people told you about how badly you reacted but you were wondering that you didn't react that badly. Well, that's a human nature. I am not saying you to care a lot about what the other people think about you. However, sometimes you should really listen to the people who are being around you. 

As a human, for the most part, we are not likely to understand every of our activity so clearly. But, the people who are being around us are witnessing our work and activity every moment. Just like this, when you're overthinking with something, then maybe you're not feeling anything in yourself. But chances are that the people around you are witnessing every of your activity and even also understanding the change in you. As a result, I will suggest that if any of your closest person has ever told you that you're overthinking then don't ignore it and ask them directly that why do they think like that. It's also a better way of understanding that if you're overthinking or not.


8. You're not solution focused:

 Every human in the world used to have several problems in their life. And I am sure, that you're also having different problems in your life. Now I wanna ask you a question. What used to be your feeling every time when you fall in a grave problem. Do you try to solve your problems or do you run away by being afraid or you just feel sick of by thinking about the solution. Well, don't feel stressed while answering the question. If you try to solve your problems by yourself, then congratulation for being a solution focused.

 If you run away by watching problems, then I am sorry to say that you will have to alter your habit. Finally, if you think you're a person of the last category I mean if you feel that you feel stuck while being in a soup, then I can tell you that you're an overthinker. Because, you feel so stressed by thinking that about the problem you're being. But, if you will be cool headed and utterly focused about the solution, then it will be  so much helpful for you to get rid of the problem that you're having today



9. You take any silly joke so solemnly: 

I have seen a reams of people are being out there who used to have a short fuse. As a result, they used to take every little things seriously. Even sometimes they used to react a lot for only a silly joke. To clarify, picture this you're being in your friend zone and suddenly one of your friend told something bad that hurt your any other friend a little bit but he knows that it was nothing but a jet. Now if your  that friend will let it to go by smiling, then everything will be normal. In contrast, if he will  be  reacting on it, then the situation might get out of control. Now you might be thinking about the reason of his over reacting on the silly joke. You may think that it's his prob to be driven nutty so effortlessly. 

But, do you know it can also have an another reason? and it's nothing but overthinking. Maybe your that friend tries to find a reason everywhere. Eventually, when your first friend told it as a joke, your 2nd friend thought your 1st friend was saying it willingly to hurt him. Therefore, he reacted a lot with the silly joke without understanding the circumstance. Just like that example, if you have ever faced any situation where you reacted a lot only for over analyzing, then chances are that you're overthinking. 



10. You try to be a perfectionist:

When a person tries to do everything in a perfect way, then the person is called a perfectionist. To tell the truth, a perfectionist can never be accomplished in their life. Because, for the most part. only for caring a lot about perfectionism it used to become almost impossible for the person to do the work properly and even there are also some other people are being who even can't start working by thinking a lot about perfectionism. 

The overthinkers are likely to be a perfectionist for the most part. Since, while working they keep doubting their success. On the top of that, an overthinker also used to be concerned about what other people think about him. As a result, he used to be scared by assuming that people might laugh at them if their work won't be perfect and eventually they start acting like a perfectionist. On the other hand, a normal person with self confidence will never care about perfectionism. Because, they never doubt their success unnecessarily and they know that success is must if a person is passionate, consistent, ambitious, industrious and strategic enough. So, they always give their best while working instead of being so cautious about perfectionism.

Overview of all the points in short:

1. You take things personally.

2. You regret for those embarrassing things that happened with you in past

3. You're afraid of letting people go

4. You're having insomnia.

5. You're afraid of making decisions.

6. You take a bunch of time to answer a question.

7. People around you are saying that you're overthinking.

8. You're not solution focused.

9. You take any silly joke so solemnly.

10. You try to be a perfectionist.


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That was all for today's article. Don't forget to leave a comment about your thoughts about this article? If you liked it, then share it others who can find it useful. Because, "Sharing is caring" 


Stay tuned, goodbye!!!


  1. I can relate to so many of these points. Overthinking is a problem that I struggle with a lot!

    1. Yes, you're right. Overthinking is really so struggling and even back in the time, I was also suffering from overthinking greatly. All of the points there are so realistic.It feels good to see that that found them relatable!!!

  2. This is a great post and I think many people can learn from it!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind consent about the article...)

  3. This is so true. Overthinking really can ruin a mood. Its good to not overthink

    1. Yes. You're right. There can be nothing more disturbing than overthinking ever!

  4. I definitely over think things a lot! This is helpful

    1. Feels good to see that you found it helpful. If you want to get rid of overthinking, then you check out this post that you might find helpful

  5. Arghh over thinking the number one nemesis of the human condition! This used to be but I have conditioned myself to think less and just trust my gut more as over thinking is no good for your mental or physical health.

  6. Such a great post. I know many who over think. I try not to do it myself.. because it accomplishes nothing. Thank you for bring this subject up.

  7. I can relate to some of these points. It's very informative. Thanks for sharing this!

  8. This speaks to me! I take everything personally!!! Thanks for this!

  9. This was an interesting read. Overthinking can cause severe issues.
    Melanie Edjourian

  10. I am not a big overthinker but my boys both are and it can be very overwhelming for them.

  11. Overthinking, if not looked after can lead to depression. This is very important to share to our love ones

  12. overthinking is never easy yet it happens so very often!

  13. GUILTY! but 1 thing is that, I try my best to think of solution and good things on an issue/problem.

  14. This is totally me.. I definitely overthink things! I can certainly relate to a lot of these.

  15. I can relate to many of your points especially with overthinking and insomnia.

  16. I definitely needed this. I always feel like I overthink everything and then I end up wasting time because I was too focused on whatever I was thinking about versus actually living life.

  17. I needed to read this. I've been told that I overthink everything so this was refreshing to me to read some of these tips.

  18. I'm actually suffering from some of these symptoms and I'm well aware that I'm overthinking things. But what can I do to let go?

  19. Overthinking indeed leads to stress, and sometimes I can't help it especially is the stake is higher. Whenever I am feeling overthinking of things, I have to step back, have a good pampering, and see where it goes.

  20. Thanks for sharing. I definitely have suffered with many of these symptoms throughout my life. It definitely poses a real challenge.

  21. I have experienced overthinking in the past, but I am more confident now, feel comfortable with who I am and my decisions. Great post!

  22. Aside from #9 I check all those boxes, but I know it. It's a process of letting go. Planning and listmaking help

  23. I am an over thinker and it's so true what you mentioned in this article! The only that helped me so far has been meditation :)

  24. oh you can say that again! I do have issues with overthinking and I work hard to overcome it. thankfully it didn't come that far to lead me to insomnia!

  25. This is an interesting read and after reading, I realized that I have the tendency to overthink. I'm actually having insomnia and this is more likely the reason as I tend to worry about a lot of things.

  26. I used to be an overthinker but I'm over it now. I've learnt to let things go and I'm focused on getting better each day. Life is a lot easier this way.

  27. Signs and Symptoms of Overthinking Person
    When you find out certain signs and symptoms of overthinking, you should take time out and introspect yourself on your daily routines.


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