Top 10 highly effective tips to gain respect from others [Part-4]

 Hi my friends, welcome again

Since, I have already told that I am going to publish the another 5 parts of  [Top 10 highly effective tips to gain respect from others], that's why today I am here with this and the blog post is going to be the another 3rd part of it. If you haven't checked the previous three posts already, then you can have a look of them and the links will be given below. 

Also read: Top 10 highly effective tips to gain respect from others

         Top 10 highly effective tips to gain respect from others [Part -2] 

          Top 10 highly effective tips to gain respect from others [Part-3]

Just like the previous blog posts, in today's blog post, I am going to be talking about another 10 highly effective tips that will definitely help you to gain respect from others.


 So, if you're being interested, then continue reading to the last. 


Top 10 strategies to gain respect from others

 1. Do your work by yourself:

Heaps of people are being in their world who don't know how to do their work by themselves. I mean, they don't know how to make meals at home and even don't know how to do the basic cleaning. Do the facts make you wonder? Well, reckon or not, but all these facts are true and most of the people like this used to depend on their servants or on other people to get their daily work done. The kids and teenagers mostly depend on their parents to get things done and this is actually not a good habit at all. When you depend on other people to get your things done, then slowly but surely, you become sluggish and dull headed. And as you already know, people always love and respect a person who is energetic, active and does their work by themselves. So start doing your work by yourself from today!!

2. Don't post everything on social media:

Can you say that what has become one of the biggest trends of today's world that most people follow, well undoubtedly this is nothing but posting everything online. Reams of people are being who love to post everything on social media of their regular life including their family problems and their feelings and even some people are so dependent on social media that they post everything about what they eat, where they go, what is their next day plan, what they're doing now, which makeup they wear on, which thing they bought and the list goes on.... Do you think this is the right thing to do? Hell no!! When you do these, the wise people actually laugh at you and if you don't care about this, then you should know that by posting everything on social media you're actually emitting your minimal privacy that everyone should have and it's definitely a funny thing. Plus, you're also breaking your personal boundaries and spoiling your personality and there can be nothing more disrespectful than not having a strong personality. I know, that these bitter truths can make some people terribly uptight and they can go cross with me, but after all facts will always remain facts.


3. Let people go:

In your whole life, you will find various types of people. Some of them will be permanent and some of them will leave when they reach the end of their interest and this is entirely okay. However, thousands of people are being out there who used to be too frightened of letting those people go and as a result, most frequently entreat them to stay with them. If you're one of those people, then you should know that this is one of the most disrespectful things you can ever do with your life. Since, I assume, that there can be nothing more disrespectful and deadly than imploring someone to stay despite knowing that you're being mistreated and you're going to be. So, learn to let people go. Because, sometimes you will have to do this not for ego, you will have to do this for self respect. 


4. Add value:

  We humans sometimes forget that the other person is also having a brain and feelings and she understands everything. For instance, maybe you're writing an email to your clients or maybe you're sending a message to one of your friends and you're just doing all these unwillingly without a touch of affection and maybe you're presuming that the other person won't understand anything anyway. But, you're wrong!! Your carelessness will definitely make sense to them when they will read your message or email and the case is also same in real life when you pretend to show affection but actually you don't. And when they understand this, then consequently they will give you the same disrespectful attitude back. So, learn to be refrained and add value to every little thing you do and you give to other people and the result is going to be always good!


5. Encourage others:

Can you remember a situation in your life, when you badly needed someone to encourage you, but you didn't get anyone around you at that moment? Well, maybe today you're not having the pain anymore in your life, but chances are that someone around you now is in the same pain and craving for some encouragement. If you can find one like this around you, then just go there and help them to get over the pain. And there is obviously nothing new to say that when you encourage others, eventually you gain a ton of respect.


6. Never stop learning:

 Undoubtedly, people always love and respect a person who is intelligent and knowledgeable. Because, you can learn about various things from an intelligent person. On the top of that, you're most likely to have an engaging conversation with an intelligent person since he already knows about many interesting topics. On the other hand, you can never have a good idea or a good chinwag with someone who doesn't know about anything or knows about only very few and specific things. And the situation is the same for everyone in the world. So, learning and gaining knowledge and ideas about as much stuffs as possible can be also a good strategy to gain respect from others


7. Share your assets:

  What are the valuable assets in your life?? A good skill that you have learnt, a good talent, an innovative mindset, a beautiful memory, and the list goes on! Now my question is, will you share them with others and will share the happiness or simply will you just be a miser and will never share it with others anyway?? Your these valuable assets will always remain yours, and no one will be able to steal them from you. But, when you share them with others, you just own an extra respect and an extra happiness from others. Does extra happiness really matter to you? If the answer is 'yes' , then start doing this from day one. You share your assets and you gain assets also!


8. Smile always:

Picture this, you have gone somewhere and you met two people. You saw that the first person was sunny and spontaneous and on the other hand, the second person was grumpy and moody. Now whom will you respect the most? Obviously the first one!! And I know, for most of the people the answer will be the same. The most reasonable reason behind this is most of the people like a person who is interesting, charming, exuberant, and suave and just like that, they always dislike a person who is grumpy and kind of stubborn. There is also a popular line that says, you "When give a smile, you get a smile back." People are likely to trust and respect a vivid person the most. So, having a smiling face can always be a good tip to gain respect. It's true that it's not possible to always smile. But, it's also a downright fact that your smile always depends on you!!


9. Don't get angry easily:

 Do you get angry easily? Can anyone make you mad so effortlessly? Do you get mad at someone without thinking twice? Ask yourself the questions and if the answers for all of these questions are 'yes' , then I am sure that you have already made some people around you disrespectful towards you. People with short fuse are likely to have most relationship and friendship breaks in their lives. Moreover, when you get angry so easily, you can be considered as an egoistic person to other people. That's why, it's always too pivotal to learn how to stay calm. Since, most of the people always love cool and serene  people who know how to handle any estate calmly without being bitter.

10. Don't cry for everything:

Tones of people are being out there who used to be too touchy and they used to cry for every silly reason. For instance, when they fall into a problem, without thinking about the solution further, they start crying for help. Even some people tend to cry for every little disappointment and pain in their life. If you're one of those people, then you should know that crying continuously will never bring you the solution. If you are having a problem in your life and if you will keep asking for help, then slowly but surely people will get irritated with it. Since, people always love a person who is solution focused and respect them as well. If you're having any pain in your life, then observe it and think about the best way to release the pain from your life. If you're crying because you have gotten hurt by someone, then remain silent because people actually don't care if you cry, instead they will heart you more. In contrast, when you will remain silent instead of crying, then people will actually appreciate your coolness and your attitude.

 Overview of all the points in short:

1. Do your work by yourself.

2. Don't post everything on social media.

3. Never trust anybody so easily.

4. Add value.

5. Encourage others.

6. Never stop learning.

7. Share your assets.

8. Smile always.

9. Don't get angry easily.

10. Don't cry easily. 


No more today. Don't forget to leave a comment about what you think about the post. If you know about any strategy that hasn't been listed her, but people can follow it to gain respect, then let me know about it on the comment section

Finally, if you liked it then don't forget to share it with others who can find it useful. Because, "Sharing is caring" 


Stay tuned, goodbye!!!


  1. Wow, these are some very powerful tips. It's so important that we know how to control our selves, so others know how to treat us.

  2. These are great tips. I actually do my own thing and not to cry in all of my problems, I find solution instead.

  3. These are some amazingly powerful tips for people! It took me too long as an adult to not let other people's moods and attitudes influence me. This would have been better to learn younger, so to not waste so many years. Thanks for sharing this with us!

  4. I really enjoyed this series. Great tips actually! I will read the other parts too.

  5. This can be so hard sometimes, but I'm going to try to work on these tips.


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