Top 10 most uncommon phobias in the world

 Hi my friends, welcome again

In my previous post, I have talked about Top 10 most common phobias in the world. In that post, I have given some interesting information about 10 most common phobias in the world that most of use might have in our day to day life. If you haven't checked the article yet, then you can check it simply just by clicking here . The article was entirely amazing.

In today's post, I am going to be talking about Top 10 most uncommon phobias in the world. Here, I am going to be providing some interesting information about 10 most uncommon phobias in the world that you have probably never known before.


So, if you're being interested, then continue reading to the last.


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Top 10 most uncommon phobias in the world.

1. Cyberphobia = The fear of technological materials like computer and mobile phones:

Technological things like computer and mobile phones are the part and parcel of our life. Nowadays, it has become almost impossible to live a single day wihout any of these things. However, it's not the same for people with cyberphobia. People with cyberphobia tries their level best to avoid these things. There are likely to have a rapid heartbeat when they used to be around any of these things. The most reasonable reason of having cyberphobia is to have a traumatizing experience in past somewhere linked to any of these objects.  According to a recent diagnostic manual, between 7% and 9% of any community may suffer from cynophobia. 

2. Lachanophobia = The fear of vegetables:

We all know that, how much pivotal vegetables are for having a healthy lifestyle! There are some people in the world who don't like eating vegetables that much. But, when it comes to the people with lachanophobia,then the dislike goes to an another level. People suffering from lachanophobia might be experiencing nausea and even shortness of breath at the mere sight of any tiny vegetable like the little carrot pies, brocolli or bell peppars. A study says, estimated 30% of the Americans are likely to be suffering from lachanophobia



3. Syngenesophobia = The fear of relatives:

 Have you ever felt extremely anxious, frightened and disgusted while spending time with your relatives? Have spending time with relatives ever made you have a panic attack? Well, if you're having any of these circumstances in your life currently, then chances are that you're suffering from Syngenesophobia. A person is most likely to have Syngenesophobia in their life when they had any traumatizing experience with embarrasing estates with their relatives. For instance, in some families, the little children used to be abused by any of their relatives. Furthermore, in some cases the relatives can be laughing at a person that can make them literally feeling red faced and sometimes entirely traumatized. Syngenephobia is also regarded as familiaphobia.


4. Heliphobia = The fear of sunlight:

 Nowadays, it has become entirely necessary for some people to go out everyday. Specially when it comes to the school children and job holders, then they have to go out almost everyday until the one holiday comes in their life. If it's a sunny day, then normally, you're going to be witnessing sunlight after going out. But, when it comes to the people with heliphobia, then it becomes much more harder for them than the usual to go out and to do anything they want. Since, they're likely to face heightened anxiety and racing heartbeat when they come in the touch of sunlight. Moreover, they are also likely to have severe panic attacks on these situation

5. Deipnophobia = The fear on dinner conversation:

 What do think, what is meant by the phobia? Do you think, people with Deipnophobia get screwed while having conversation during dinner? Hell no!! People with deipnophobia hate to have a conversation while having a meal with other people. It makes them feeling extremely awkward. Picture this, you're having a dinner party with some people, then obviously they're going to have some chit-chats while while having a meal altogether. But, if you're having deipnophobia, then the silly thing will make you feeling really bad!! Deipnophobia can be simply happened if you're having any negative experience connected to dining conversation. Deipnophobia is also considered as the fear of dinning conversation. It's also related to social anxiety named as social phobia


6. Astraphobia= The fear of stars:

Oh gosh! I can never think of that someone is ever going to be afraid of this amazing sky full of wonderful cute and white stars. However, we must not forget about the people with astraphobia. This kind of people used to feel an extreme anxiety, rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath while encountering those stars in the sky. People with astraphobia are just uneasy with the thought of space, stars and alien life. If you're suffering from Astraphobia, then sometimes  it can be quite demanding for you to watch movies dedicated to aliens or something like that.


7. Xylophobia = The fear of trees:

 People with xylophobia used to be too afraid of the wooded areas. The fear is likely to go to an another level at night for some people. But for most of the people, they used to be afraid of trees all the times. One of the most reasonable reason of xylophobia is rooted in the fear of dark. If you will go through a road with tones of trees on the two sides at a dark night specially by being alone, then obviously somewhere you will feel a little afraid, since tall trees casting shadows on paths and clearings makes the situation relatably horrible. Like animal phobias, the fear of the dark may worsen an existing fear of the woods or even can be the primary cause of that that fear of trees. Xylophobia is also known as hylophobia.


8. Dentophobia = The fear of dentists:

 Are you afraid of going to the dentists? Well, the answer is probably 'no'. But what will you say when it comes to the people who are suffering from dentophobia? According to healthline, dentophobia can present such a severe fear that you avoid the dentist altogether. Even the mere mention or thought of the dentist may cause anxiety. Nightmares and panic attacks may also occur. According to smilelign, The most common cause for Dentophobia and most phobias in general, is that they are the result of a previous traumatic experience. This is what most behavioural psychologists conclusively agree. If the sufferer has had a previous experience that was particularly painful, levels of anxiety and overthinking can increase. An another name of dentophobia is odontophobia.


9. Neophobia = The fear of new things and experiences:

The life of a human is much more variable than we can ever be thinking of. In different stages of our life, we have to adapt different new experiences and things in our life. But, for the people, suffering from neophobia, it can be one of the most daunting tasks to do ever. People suffering from neophobia might face a lot of obstacles while bringing a new change to their life or lifestyle. On the top of that, they feel extremely awkward when it comes to accepting new things or objects.


10. Gephyrophobia = The fear of crossing bridges: 

When people with gephyrophobia try to cross a bridge, then their hearts race and their palms sweat. They may also have trouble breathing and can be feeling light-headed when they try to cross a bridge. For the most part, the mere thought or anticipation of it may also make the person have a panic attack if they will try to cross a bridge.

Overview of all the points in short:

 1. Cyberphobia = The fear of technological materials like computer and mobile phones.

2. Lachanophobia = The fear of vegetables

3. Syngenesophobia = The fear of relatives.

4. Heliphobia = The fear of sunlight.

5. Deipnophobia = The fear on dinner conversation.

6. Astraphobia = The fear of stars.

7. Xylophobia = The fear of trees.

8. Dentophobia = The fear of dentists.

9. Neophobia = The fear of new things and experiences.

10. Gephyrophobia = The fear of crossing bridges.



DON'T GO AWAY WITHOUT LEAVING A COMMENT. 👇👇👇 Let me know in comment that if you know anyone who is suffering from any of these uncommon phobias.



Stay tuned, goodbye!!!


  1. Wow! Really unusual phobias. The first thought is to laugh. Then you realize that someone is actually sick. Links to statistical sources would be very useful though.

  2. Wow this is so interesting!!! I had no clue so many phobias existed! Also I might have the dinner phobia one definitely the dentist phobia!

  3. This is such a really great post, I know some people who has this phobia " The fear of dentist"

  4. This is such a really great and very informative post! I didn't know that I have Gephyrophobia = The fear of crossing bridges.

  5. Interesting article! I had never heard of many of these phobias and enjoyed learning about them!

  6. Dentophobia i know it well, every time i have to check my teeth i postpone it next year��

  7. This was such a cool read! I had no idea that some of the phobias existed.

  8. Wow so many things I had no idea were phobias. I can’t imagine with living with these when they are so uncommon. People no doubt do not understand someone that has these.

  9. Hi Abida! I've never heard of any of those phobias. And, what's so ironic is I have one of them, "dentophobia." Whenever I go to a new dentist I have to let him know about my fear, and warn him/her that I might not come back if the visit is too traumatic for me. And, trust me, I was so traumatized at a dental visit that I wouldn't see another dentist for 5 years! That post was so interesting. Thanks for sharing!

  10. I have not heard of any of these, but I have come to despise my phone. I miss the days when you could leave the house and have no one bother you!

  11. I didn't know about a lot of these. How interesting! I know I have a fear of the dentist!

  12. I have the fear of dentists as I have had plenty of painful work done. I have 11 implants and one had to be adjusted without pain meds as the meds were not working.

  13. I personally had to overcome dentaphobia. I had a horrible experience that created a phobia for all things dentistry. It took about 20 years for me to win over this.

  14. This post is really informative, thanks for sharing these uncommon phobias.

  15. I had a friend who fears bridges. I remember we had to blindfold her so she can cross the bridge

  16. these types of phobias are interesting. I dont have any personal experiences with phobias but my friends do. And fact is, we can overcome some of them

  17. I think we all have fear of trying new things. I hate trying new food.

  18. I didn't know some of these were so common. I do understand the dentist. I use to be afraid myself, but now I enjoy going to the dentist. I just think it took me going more and more to get use to it.

  19. Phobias intrigue me so much. Fear of vegetables? This one made me laugh because now I'm thinking this must be why my son never eats them. ;)

  20. This is a really nice and very interesting article. I think I have a fear of dentist.

  21. I heard and I think I've experienced a little of dentophobia and gephyrophobia. It's not pleasant at all to have a phobia.

  22. I wasn't familiar with the names of these phobias, but I imagine you could have a phobia of almost anything. Interesting to learn what they are called.


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