Top 10 most common phobias in the world

 Hi my friends, welcome again

Firstly, I want to ask you that have you ever listened about the term 'phobia' before? A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation. Phobias typically result in a rapid onset of fear and are present for more than six months. There are more than 400 phobias are being in the world. Confess or not, we all are having some things in our day to day life, that we used to be extremely afraid of. It means, we all are suffering from some sort of phobias in our regular life.

Even, there are also some common phobias are being that most of us are likely to be suffering from.In today's post, I am going to be talking about Top 10 most common phobias like this. Even I am sure that some of them will really wonder you. And even chances are that you can also find out some sort of similarities with any of them.


So, if you're being interested, then continue reading to the last.

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Top 10 most common phobias in the world 

1. Arachnophobia = The fear of spiders :

If you're extremely afraid of spiders and even if you can't tolerate it at all, then chances are that you are suffering from Arachnophobia. The most reasonable reason of having arachnophobia is to encounter several traumatizing situations with spiders in their past life. Even, to tell the truth some people might also hate spiders only because it looks too ugly. Even though most of the spiders doesn't harm that much, but they always look too dangerous. Estimated 3.5 - 6.1% of the global population are affected by arachnophobia. So, obviously it can be considered as one of the most common phobias in the world. Even,a secret about me is that I am also suffering from arachnophobia. 


2. Ophidiophobia = The fear of snakes:

Personally, I have been suffering from ophidiophobia from my early life and even sometimes I tend to run away like a crazy after watching this. I am sure, somewhere you or any of your friend is also afraid of snakes. Getting affected by ophidiophobia might have almost the same reasons like getting affected by arachnophobia. Firstly, it looks too ugly for the most part and secondly it's almost impossible to tolerate snakes for those people who are already having a traumatizing memory with snakes. Additionally, it's too toxic. Most of the people in the world used to be taught from their early childhood, that they can even die if they will be bitten by snakes. It also used to become a great reason for hating snakes. According to Wikipedia ,Ophidiophobia is a particular type of specific phobia, the irrational fear of snakes. It is sometimes called by a more general term, herpetophobia, fear of reptiles. The word comes from the Greek words "ophis" (ὄφις), snake, and "phobia" (φοβία) meaning fear. About a third of adult humans are ophidiophobic, making this the most common reported phobia in the world.


3. Cynophobia = The fear of dogs:

I think most of the adults in the world are not likely to be afraid of dogs since most of them love dogs as their lovable pets. However, for those people who are having a bad experience with dogs might hate it a lot. Although, it can be listening wondering, but according to healthline, 7-9% of the population are likely to be suffering from cynophobia in the world. And with the great percentege, obviously it's reasonable to call the phobia one of the most common phobias in the world.


4. Astraphobia = The fear of thunder:

Have you ever felt frustrated, awkward or simply intolerable when you  notice any lightening or thunder in the sky. When, it rains somewhere heavily, then we are likely to be noticing some thunders and lightening on the sky. It never gives us that bad feeling. But for the people with astraphobia, it becomes extremely hard to survive freely at that moment. They are likely to be closing the window and covers it with curtains in these situation. Astraphobia is much more related to Antlophobia which is the fear of floods and Lilapsophobia which is the fear of tornadoes and hurricans. Estimated 2-3% of the global population are suffering from astraphobia currently.


5. Trypanophobia = The fear of injections:

We all are quite introduced with the medical tool. It feels quite normal to adults like us. On the other hand, injection feels like a monster to most of the children in the world. I can still remember, how much afraid I was of this tool when I was a child! Even, I'm sure that somewhere you were also having the fear of injection when you were a child. But, some adults also suffer from it who are having a bad memory with injection. Studies show that a remarkable 20 percent of the population has some degree of fear of needles or injections and 10 percent within that number suffer from what is known as Trypanophobia. So, obviously we can consider Trypanophobia as one of the most common phobias in the world.


6. Achluophobia = The fear of darkness:

Are you afraid of darkness? If you are, then chances are that you're suffering from Achluophobia. Even though, most of the adults are not afraid of darkness, but when it comes to the children, then most of them are definitely frightened of darkness. Just like other phobias, having a nefarious experience with darkness might be also a reason of the extreme fear. Even most of the children are afraid of ghosts. So, when they become in a dark place, the first thing that ever comes in their mind is having ghosts around. So, they get screwed of it effortlessly. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), up to 9% of the American population in the USA are suffering from Achluophobia.


7. Ailurophobia = The fear of cats:

Oh no!!! I can't think of that someone is going to be afraid of these little, cutest animals. Adults to children, everyone loves to play with cats and personally I am also a cat lover by myself. But can you believe that it's also being considered as one of the most popular phobias in the world?!!! The main reason before being afraid is that sometimes it might cause some little harm to some people. Even, in some religions, cats are considered as the evil animal. Even, nowadays in some horror movies, cats are being featured as an evil animal. These can be the only reasonable reasons before being afraid of cats. Some other names of Ailurophobia is : felinophobia, elurophobia, gatophobia, and cat phobia. A person with this phobia is known as an ailurophobe. 


8. Social phobia = The social anxiety

Have you ever felt awkward and nervous at any social situations? Maybe you have gone to your friend's party but a you're not being able to find any interest to have a word with anyone without any reason. Does any social situation make your extremely uncomfortable? Well, if you're having any of these situations in your life, then chances are that you're suffering from the social phobia. Even the Social phobia is most likely to be noticed in the introverts. Estimated 15 million adults in the world have social anxiety. (ADAA, 2020). The great population has made it one of the most common phobias in the world.


9. Glossophobia = The fear of public speaking:

Glossophobia is quite related to Social phobia. People with glossophobia literally tries to avoid public speaking as much as possible. People with glossophobia used to be sweating, trembling and feels nauseous or vomit while speaking in front of a quality amount of people. Moreover, they also used to have a rapid heartbeat while speaking in a public place. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, glossophobia is a very common phobia, affecting up to 75% of the world's population. So, obviously we can consider glossophobia as one of the most common phobias in the world.


10. Mysophobia = The fear of germ:

The people who suffer from mysophobia used to be too obsessive about cleaning. People with mysophobia wash hands obsessively. Besides, they spend a lot of time before cleaning and dominating. Even, they're also likely to be ignoring all the normal physical contacts like hand-shacking and hugging others. Because, when you shake hands with others, then chances are that maybe they're having any germs on their hand and you're taking these germs from them. And, as I have told momentarily that, people with mysophobia hate to have a single germ, as a result, they simply just ignore to have any normal physical contact with others. They also can never stay at a dirty place for a one moment. So, obviously you will have to keep everything comprehensively neat and clean, if you're having someone with mysophobia in your family. Study shows that, estimated 8.1% of the global population are affected by mysopobia. The other names of mysophobia are : verminophobia, germophobia, germaphobia, bacillophobia and bacteriophobia.


  Overview of all the points in short:

1. Arachnophobia = The fear of spiders.

2. Ophidiophobia = The fear of snakes.

3. Cynophobia = The fear of dogs.

4. Astraphobia = The fear of thunder.

5. Trypanophobia = The fear of injection

6. Achluophobia = The fear of darkness.

7. Ailurophobia = The fear of cats.

8. Social phobia: The social anxiety.

9. Glossophobia: The fear of public speaking.

10. Mysophobia = The fear of germs.


DON'T GO AWAY WITHOUT LEAVING A COMMENT. 👇👇👇 Let me know in comment that if you're having any of these phobias.




  1. I can definitely relate to the fear of spiders and darkness! I can't stand bugs in general, but with all of their legs and eyes, spiders give me the heebie jeebies!

  2. I was not aware people can have the fear of dogs and cats. Or rather Im surprised.

  3. I had fear of public speaking when I was a teenager. I just could not speak in front of a lot of people but I was able to overcome it.

  4. Fear of public speaking is a very common phobia. And I am one of them. I experience full-on panic and fear every time I am asked to speak in public

  5. I def have some of these fears! Others I have overcome as I've gotten older but not all of them!

  6. I suspect I have a good deal of social anxiety, not sure if it is severe enough to be called a phobia though.

  7. Isn't the Social phobia also called "Agoraphobia"? Or is that something different?

  8. I am sorry but I really have some fear of dogs and cats and snakes. Good to know I am not alone

  9. Hihi....I have an actual "thing" with public speaking! I can't say it's anxiety but it has elements of it in there mixed with uncertainity!


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