Top 6 most common powerful myths about reading books

Hi my friends, welcome again

Today's blog post is going to be kind of unique. I am calling it unique, because you will never find this kind of contents most frequently in any web source since people are not likely to be talking about that. The myths about reading books that I am going to be talking about today, is literally powerful and believed by almost every person in the world. 

Today's blog post is dedicated towards readers from all ages. Since, I am sure that a masses of book readers in the world is already being influenced by some of the most common powerful myths about reading books. If you think, that you're one of those people, then the blog post is for you. Because, in today's post I am going to be talking about Top 6 most common powerful myths about reading books. 

So if you're being interested, then continue watching to the the last.

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Top 6 most common powerful myths about reading books

1. "Reading books can be only effective when you read it continuously for minimum 1-2 hours without taking any break":

The myth is something that is hiding most of the people in the world from reading books. Do you want to know how? Well, Let me give you the answer. Simply in the fussy world almost every person in the world used to be swamped with their daily work. As a result, it becomes perhaps impossible for them to find out a moment where they will get 2-3 hours all in all for reading a book. Eventually, when people start believing the popular myth, then they start giving up on reading books despite of having a bunch of willingness. If you're one of those blind believers, then you should know that it's nothing but an entire false. Even, the fact is you can read book whenever you want and no time is required for that. It means, even if your life is super busy and if you can manage only 15 minutes to read your favorite books a day, then obviously you can do it and it will never affect the effectiveness of your book reading.


2. "You will have to read a whole book, otherwise it will be cheating and you won't be capable to read books effectively"

The myth that you can see here is an another disturbing but has become a popular myth nowadays. A tones of avid book readers are being out there who don't love reading a same book for a masses of days specially they hate to read the long books. But, the fact is if you will head over in the libraries most frequently, then you will understand that in this generation, most of the high quality books used to be including at least 250 pages and that's quite a lot! Because, if you will read at least 10 pages each day, even only after that it will take estimated 25 days for you to complete the book out and out. In fact, reading 10 pages can be quite daunting for most of the people who are not having the habit of reading books yet. In this situation, if they will listen about the myth and if they will start trusting that, then no one will be capable to stop themselves from giving up on reading books. If you're one of those impatient people who have given up on reading books already for reckoning in this myth, or if you're perhaps to give up on reading books, than I will suggest you to read the short summaries or the reviews of the books that you can easily found on online effortlessly. I hope, you will be able to get the same effectiveness that you would have gotten through reading the whole book.


3. "You will have to carry a book everywhere"

What do you think? Is the myth true? Hell no!! If you will have to carry a book everywhere with you for reading the book, then what is the purpose of the digital Ebooks? Some people might think that reading an Ebook for the most part can be quite harmful for our eyes and health. But, it's never the truth. The mobiles and tablets nowadays are having quality light and screen that is the least harmful for your eyes. In some cases, the most digital tablets and iphones can be 0% harmful for your eyes. Carrying a heavy book everywhere can be obviously quite demanding. In that case,, you can use different Ebooks for reading books. Or, simply you can download a book on your mobile phone and you can read it whenever you want. 


4. "Marking on book makes it miserable":

Again a disgusting myth. Although, marking every line of your book with your simple pen that is with black ink can make your book looking ugly for the most part, but instead you can use different color pens while reading books for marking a line if you wish. In fact, it's scientifically proved that for some people it can be quite a lot effective when they mark any line in their book. Because, when you mark an important thing in your book, then most likely you're not going to forget that so effortlessly. On the top of that, you can also get an another impressive benefit by marking books. And that is, when you underline or mark any of the bullet points of the book, and then in the next time when you again read the book then it won't be necessary for you to read the whole book anymore and you can only have a look of all the bullet points that you have already marked in your book. However, if you're against marking books, then I won't grant on you for marking books while reading it. Because, it's only a psychological matter. But, if you presume that marking books and underlining texts feels like an effective strategy for you while reading books but you're being compelled to hide yourself from doing this only because you have listened the myth from somewhere, then I will suggest you to not to give an attention to those shitty myths and to keep going with your strategy.


5. "Read books aloud, otherwise it won't be an effective reading anyway":

Yikes!!! an another sickening myth that I have had ever seen. If you're a school student or simply a college or a uni student, then I am sure that for at least one time in your life, you were told by your parents or by your other family members to read books aloud. Because, for the most part, we used to be taught that, when we read a book loudly, then the sound goes in our brain from our ear and ultimately it becomes an effective reading. Well, this is never apparently the false. Because, science has also proved that reading books aloud helps a lot to process the ideas and information in our head and it also plays a great role for the typical audio learners. But, it never means that you will have to read books always aloud and even if you hate to do it. Because, for the most part, when you read a book, the biggest thing that matters the most is your consent and desire for reading the book or subject and learning something new. At this moment, if you do something unwillingly for a tones of times, then your desire toward reading books can be invisible forever. Even, for some people, it feels kinda weird sometimes to read books silently. If you love reading books silently, then don't be afraid by thinking that you're the alone. A tones of people in the world are being out there who loves reading books silently and even I personally myself prefer reading books silently for the most part. Reading books silently can also give you several benefits. When you read books effectively, then it helps you a lot to improve your understanding. Sometimes, when you read a very essential subject or something like this, then for the most part deeper understanding used to be considered more valuable than only recognizing.


6. "Read only your text books and academic books":

Ugh!!! I have been sick of this irrelevant, useless and baseless myth. Do you know what has become one of the biggest reason that's why most of the students nowadays are living a boring life without learning any skills at all? Well, there is the answer. Because, for the most part, the parents used to be thinking that reading other books apart from the text books might break the concentration of their children who are still a student. As a result, they keep hindering their children from reading any books anymore. Eventually, the students don't get the opportunity to learn new things. On the top of that, there are also a reams students are being who personally by themselves trust in this harsh myth. If you're one of those believers, then you should know that it's nothing but a baseless thought and in fact, you will be wondered to know that you can increase your desire for reading your text books quite a lot by reading other new books. Because, when you read your same text books over and over and over again, then it feels quite menial than anything else and your that feeling of boredom on your text books will decrease your desire and interest for reading text books in no time. In contrast, when you read other books, then you know about new things and then again when you come back to read your text books with a spontaneous mood, then chances are that your tedious text books are going to be feeling incredibly elegant to you and even sometimes can give you the feeling like you're reading a whole new book.


Overview of all the points in short:

1. "Reading books can be only effective when you read it continuously for at least 1-2 hours".

2. "You will have to read a whole book completely, otherwise it will be a cheating and you won't be capable to read books effectively".

3. "You will have to carry a book everywhere".

4. "Marking on books makes it miserable".

5. "Read books aloud, otherwise it won't be an effective reading".

6. "Read only your text books and academic books".

Last thought: All of the myths that you have seen here today are unsophisticated and utterly irrelevant. But, the saddest fact is that most of them are being highly influencing nowadays that is hindering passionate and avid book readers like you and me. If you're being here today, then I assume that you're also a nerd of reading books and I never want you to trust on them anymore. Moreover, I will also expect you to share the awareness by sharing the post. Because, still there are a bunch of people are being who have been believing in these myths, they're still reckoning and if they won't know about that, then they will be believing in future. 





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    1. This is so helpful. I love reading books of all kinds and am so glad you shared these myths and the truth behind them!

      1. Feeling good to see that you found them helpful! Also thanks for your appreciation.

    2. I love reading books and I think the most wonderful thing is that books are so versatile that you can definitely read any book, at any time, in any place! Nice list of myths debunked here.

      1. Yes, you're totally right. Books can be read at any place and at any time. I loved your nice comment @Motherhood: The Real Deal

    3. I love reading books. Finding the time has been difficult though. I am hoping my kids will be big readers as well.

    4. I had no idea about many of these myths. I love to read!

    5. Loved reading these myths! I'm a bookworm and I actually hadn't heard a lot of these.

      1. Feeling happy to see that you loved these myths 😃😃😃

    6. I remember I used to be anti-mark on books, but I feel like using a highlighter in a book I bought can be helpful for me... especially if I'm reading a self help book or educational book. Also I feel like it's easier for me to read on my couch or in bed versus carrying a book in my bag and attempting to read it outside of the house when there are so many distractions around.

      1. @Jasmine M Yes you're entirely right. Using a highlighter while reading books can be apparently helpful.✔️ Moreover, although it's true that the outside world is full of distraction, however I think for an occupied person with a busy and full schedule, it can be quite tough for him to find out some times when he will be abe to read books by being relaxed🙃🙃🙃

    7. Thank you for debunking these myths about reading. I agree with all of them especially marking the books we read. Also, we dont need to carry a book everywhere

    8. I love reading books, and yes these are all myths. The effectiveness of reading books depends on our styles. I love to read a few pages before going to bed.

    9. This is such an important thing to share and teach our kids about reading. Not everyone is into Academic books.

    10. my! I am so happy I don't get around those myths and never heard most of them (even though my mother insisted on reading the whole book all the time even if I didn't like it because "you have to finish what you started at all costs"). Actually when I read aloud I normally remember it worse because I think of my 'acting' too much. I know it because because my husband and I often read for each other aloud, it's romantic

    11. I love reading books. Grabbing a hard copy makes me so happy. I love it!

    12. I LOVE marking my books. I underline powerful quotes, words I don't know and need to look up and even just things I find interesting. Nothing disgusting about it!

    13. These myths really do suck the joy and fun out of reading, which is such a big shame! Thank you for busting these myths and encouraging people to ready <3

    14. I love reading books, and I never heard about these myths before. It's interesting to know these myths about reading.

      1. I am being over the moon to hear that you found my post interesting😚😚

    15. These are such weird myths! I've been a book reader all my life and never heard of these!

      1. @Why Girls Are Weird Yes, you're totally right. These are apparently such a piece of weird myths 😬 😬 😬

    16. I love to read. I read some books digitally and some are real books. My kids are not as into reading as I am. I really think that all the digital options hurt the desire to read as much.

    17. Number 2 is something I struggled with for a while. But I've gotten over it.

      1. @rachel it feels great to listen that you have gotten over the struggling myths😙😙

    18. These are some interesting myths. I know marking on books is one thing I didn't do, but I started doing it after I realized how easy it made me be able to grasp onto things.

    19. I love to read too, so enjoy reading your sharing here. Thanks, Siennylovesdrawing

    20. I do love reading books and it's a great habit. Now that I have a lot going on with my life I would sometimes go with audio books, which is much more convenient and I can listen to my favourite when I am traveling. - Knycx Journeying

    21. Such great myths - we all learn differently and read differently. We should learn the way that works best for us individually!

    22. Such great myth. Reading books is a great habit.

    23. I love to read. Currently I am reading a text book, which, surprisingly is really good. But I also love a good novel too. And this is a great post.

    24. Great post! I have a hard time getting motivated to commit to reading a book. This makes it seem more manageable.

    25. I like to read but fall asleep every time I try. Gotta get back into it!

    26. You are right these are myths. I do have to admit I like to mark and fold pages when I enjoy what I’m reading. I also really enjoy listening to Audi books being read. Thank you for sharing these myths. ☺️

      Pastor Natalie

    27. Great post! We all should read more books!

    28. I actually haven’t heard a lot of these myths! The pen one is crazy to me! Highlighting makes the book special to me! I love when I find a book at the thrift store and can see the passages that resonated with the previous owner!

    29. I agree when you said that this is a unique post! I also like to highlight important words or phrases in my books so I can go back to them later. Thank you for encouraging people to read more.

    30. Everything in this post is correct. I read on my kindle or tablet, and my eyesight for reading is excellent (20/20). In a book, I highlight a lot, but only on the divaces mentioned above. I can't read aloud because I can't hear what I'm thinking, and I don't finish books that don't have my full curiosity. Thank you so much for sharring. Great read.

    31. Other than reading blog posts, I must admit that I do not read 'books' as I count reading blog posts as reading a short story book. I have tweeted your post

    32. Each myth you covered made me say "yessss" in my head. Totally agree with all of these. I have fallen off my reading game, but I want to get back into it. Thanks for sharing!


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