Top 10 habits that will make your life more beautiful and meaningful [Part-3]

 Hi my friends, welcome again

Since, I have already told that I am going to publish the next 5 parts of  [Top 10 habits that will make your life more beautiful and meaningful], that's why today I am here with this and the blog post is going to be the third part of it. If you haven't checked the previous two posts already, then you can have a look of them and the links will be given below. 

Also read: Top 10 habits that will make your life more beautiful and meaningful

Also read: Top 10 habits that will make your life more beautiful and meaningful [Part-2]

Also read: Top 10 habits that will make your life more beautiful and meaningful [Part-4]

Also read: Top 10 habits that will make your life more beautiful and meaningful [Par-5] 

Also read: Top 10 habits that will make your more beautiful and meaningful [Part-6]

Just like the previous blog post, in today's blog post, I am going to be talking about another 10 useful habits that will make your life more beautiful and meaningful.


So if you're being interested, then continue reading to the last.

Top 10 habits that will make your life more beautiful and meaningful [Part-3]

1. Never be too materialistic:

When a person used to care a lot toward their money more than anything, then he is called materialistic. I have seen a tones of people who live their life only for earning money and even they always consider money as their first priority and as a result, when they grow older, their estate becomes miserable. Because, when they were a spring chicken, then they were so reckless towards their relationships and eventually when they used to be in their older age, then they don't have any power or physical strength and even don't have anyone to care about them. Even that moment, their money also don't work for them. I am not saying you to stop earning money. But, there are also a masses of things are being that can never be bought by money. So just focus and care about the other invaluable things more than only money, And I'm sure in that way your life will be more peaceful. 


2. Never get paid under the table:

If you're a job holder or something like that, then probably you have listened that at least for one time. When a person does any illegal things unofficially or officially by going beyond the rules of their job or service only for earning an extra amount of money secretly, that is the moment when the person gets paid under the table. Most of them used to be considered as an admirable people of today's society, but in reality, they're the trash of the society and of any country. Most frequently, it happens when it comes to doing any governmental works. It's the only reason, that's why, the general people start hating the job and even sometimes they start hating all the people who do the job. If you get paid under the table already, then it can be feeling legal in your insight since you might thing that there is no wrong with earning extra money. But,question yourself again. Is it really legal? What will you do with the money that makes you compelled to do illegal works and and also makes you compelled to loose the trust of the people. Getting paid under the table is also an example of being too materialistic. So, just think and ask yourself that what is right and you will definitely  understand.


3.Never think that you're always the right: 

Do you know an amazing fact? "Psychology says that the people are apparently more intelligent than others who have the capability to think about the way they think" - It might sound a little bit tricky when you will listen it for the first time. But, soon you will understand that what does it mean. There are a masses of people are being out there who are being influenced and some of them are influencing others with their wrong belief. When, someone used to have a wrong belief about something in the society, than we call it a superstition. There are a reams of superstitions are being like this and only some fewer people believe that it's a superstition but most of them are strongly trusting them and it's impossible to make them consider that they're wrong. Because, it's also having the same reason. Most of the humans think that what they think is always the 100% correct. As a result, when others don't maintain that, then without considering that, they start quarreling. If you're having any feature like this then I will recommend you to cut it out from your life right now. Otherwise, it's going to create several problems in your upcoming life including problems in your relationships and valuable friendships.


4. Always give everyone the opportunity of sharing their opinion: 

There are a bunch of people are being are out there who don't pay value to others and sometimes they also don't give them the opportunity to share their own opinions in something. It's something that can make the other person feeling useless and depressed to themselves. Some people might claim that they only don't give the opportunity to talk when they think that the other person is saying something wrong. Well, in this situation, I will say that sometimes it's better to give them the opportunity to talk and even when you know that they are saying the wrong thing. Because, if he will say anything wrong, then you will be capable to rectify them. However, in some cases it's better to take time and solve them more than making them feeling ignored. Now, you might think that how this strategy can make your life meaningful. Well, simply it won't play a great role in your life always but at least will give you the opportunity to save some of your invaluable friendships. Because, mostly by ignoring the words of your nearer friends, not only you will hurt them unintentionally, but also it can cause relationship breaking for the most part.

5. Never be ashamed of your old parents:

 Now let's talk about something different. Do you know what has become one of the biggest, most meanest and commonest problem of this society? It's nothing but feeling disturbed and ashamed of old parents. If your parents are not still old enough, then you might ask the question by being befuddled that what is the reason behind feeling irritated with old parents. Well, as I have told in the very beginning that it's nothing but one of the most common social problem that have become a trend for the whole world. You will notice this kind of newses on the newspaper perhaps every day where there will be newses like how old parents are being tortured by their children. These kind of trending newses demonstrate that how selfish we the nasty humans are. Back in the time, our parents have nourished us so goodly when we were a kid. They nourished us until we became adult. Mostly the people used to act like a baby when they grow older. Because, then they don't have their physical power or that great strength. And this is the moment, when many of us forget about the contribution of parents in our life and start being selfish. Never ever become like that. Otherwise you will loose such a bigger part of your life.

6. Never be ashamed of your poor friends: 

There are a masses of people are being out there who start forgetting their closest friends when they become opulent somehow or specially when they gain their own popularity. Because, that is the moment when they start feeling bad to stay with a normal friend. They start changing and start ignoring their simple friends. If you're one of them, then you should be down to earth and you should understand that having a true friend in the fake world is utterly complicated. A true friend plays a great role in life. A true friend used to be with you every moment, protects you when you're in a danger and inspire you when you feel hopeless. So if you will ignore your true friend only because he is simple or skint or testily not so popular and affluent like you, then evidently you will loose such a greater and invaluable gold from your life.

Also read: Top 10 signs of a fake friend

Also read: Top 5 ways to get rid of fake friends

Also read: Top 10 ways to choose a real friend

7. Never be ashamed of your old clothes: 

There are a tones of people are being out there who keep buying new clothes most frequently and even put them on dustbin whenever they feel that it has started being a little old. Because they used to troth on several myths. Some people think that wearing on an older cloth is a matter of being ashamed. Some other people think that maybe wearing on new clothes talk about their standards. The others think that maybe wearing on new clothes most frequently is one kind of royality. If you're a believer of any of the myths, then you should know that clothes can never talk anything about the personality of a person. Cloth is something that we only use for covering ourselves. So, sometimes when you feel timid for your old clothes, and tend to buy new clothes, than just think that what's the usage of spending money before the fool works and you will understand as well as it will be also helpful to save your money

8. Never feel bad for your bad grades:

If you're a student or something like that, then the point is something that can be probably perfect for you. As a student, I know how it feels to get a bad grade in the examination. There are a masses of people are being out there who try their level best to achieve a good grade in the examinations but after all when they don't achieve it, then they used to be teased by their friends and used to be scoffed by their parents and even feels personally so distressed. Actually, to tell the truth it has been a common problem of our society that here almost everywhere education of a person used to be counted by their grades in an examination and there is nothing to do with that. But, when you feel dejected for your lousy grades in your examination, then you should remember that the marks of any examination can never define a single person. 


9. Never feel scared to be different:

Do you know what has become one of the biggest resistance in the society that is hiding people to have their growth? Well, simply the answer is most of the people in world are afraid of being different. Let me show you some examples of it. When it comes to the school students, then for the most part you will hardly found school students or any college students daring to learn new skills along with their study. Because, they used to be taught that the only work of a student is study. That's why, sometimes when any student feel stuck by reading boring textbooks continuously, then they never have the opportunity to learn something new. When it comes to the adults, then simply after completing their graduation, they used to be pushed by their family members for entering in different jobs as the family people wish. Some of them get their dream job and and some of them start loving their job after joining there. But, the fact is most of them feel frustrated and drained with their job and eventually despite of getting a six figures salary, chances are you can find them regretting for joining the job. By showing the examples, I am trying to deliver only one massage and that is never feel scared or bad to do something different. It will be better if you will be afraid of being like the millions. From my experience, it will help you a lot while being more innovative.

10. Never regret for your bad appearance:

 What is called a good appearance? For sure, your answer will be "when someone have a white skin color, slim body, thin face then she can be called a pretty girl"- this is the definition of beauty that we have been taught.Only for that rude definition of beauty many people have started thinking in the world that when you have a good appearance, then it's your blessing and when you have a bad appearance then it's a curse because you're going to be hated by people. But the truth is, appearance can never talk a little about a person. That's why, I will say that, maybe I don't that if you're a boy or a girl, a man or a woman, but never feel bad for your appearance. Moreover, never judge anyone through their appearance


Overview of all the points in short:

1. Never be too materialistic.

2. Never get paid under the table.

3. Never think that you're always the right.

4. Always give the opportunity to everyone to share their opinions.

5. Never be ashamed of your old parents.

6. Never be ashamed of your poor friends.

7. Never be ashamed of your old clothes.

8. Never feel bad for your bad grades.

9. Never feel scared to be different.

10. Never regret for your bad appearance.





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    1. This article was so wonderfully wholesome to read. Thank you for these important reminders!

    2. All good philosophies to adapt! Thanks for the reminder to rise above!

    3. Awesome post! Parents are awesome no matter what age!!

    4. I enjoyed your tips! "Never feel scared to be different" really jumped out at me. Each of us is worthy just as we are.

    5. That is some good advice. I agree that we should not be afraid of being different or be ashamed of our parents or are friends who have a lower income!

    6. The appearance one got to me! The weekends are no make up and comfy clothes. I often feel sorry for my husband so I asked him after reading this post and he said, I want you to be natural and comfortable.

    7. These are good things to focus on and get around. I like your list as these are a lot of things that we deal with as we get older.


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