Top 6 ways to have a good time management


In my previous post I have already written about the definition of good time management as well as I have also written about top 10 benefits of having a good time management. But, there are a tones of people are being who don't know that how to maintain a good time management. That's why it used to be challenging for them to have a productive lifestyle. Moreover, they also face up different big deals in their regular life. If you're one of them, then the post is for you. Because, in my today's post I am going to be writing about top 6 ways to have a good time management. 



Related article:

Top 10 benefits of having a good time management


 1. Be careful while setting goals:

Your whole day can be dependent on the goals that you have set to do. You can also call it a daily routine. While setting goals, being too harsh or easy on yourself can affect your schedule as well as your confidence. For instance, suppose a situation where you are a student and you have set goals that you're going to complete two chapters of your book within a day despite of knowing that each of the chapters are so demanding and it's impossible for you to read them over a day. In this case, if you will push yourself around, then you can lose your interest on reading the book and even when you will see that you haven't been capable to complete it, then it can hit your confidence. On the other hand, maybe you have given yourself so doable tasks, at this moment you can be also loosing your focus by considering it a gray of salt. So you must set goals that will specific, measurable, realistic, timely and  attainable. 


 2. Place your goals in order by being wise:

Have you ever faced up any circumstances where you have set up a time management or schedule but only after some moments you're being compelled to break the schedule because you have placed all of your goals in a wrong way? I know there can be nothing more depressing than this. Breaking a schedule only after some times of making it can also hit the confidence and you can loose interest in having a good time management if it will be happened
with you for an ample of times. That's why, you must be wise while placing your goals in order. First of all, you must look after that you are placing all of your important goals at first. Then, you should choose the things that you enjoy to do.


3. Set a perfect time limit:

Setting a time limit for each of your goals can help you to work better and it will also serve you by making you more focused. Because, when you have you own time limit, then you used to be committed to yourself to complete your work within this time and eventually you can feel a a bunch of grit to be working more effectively than the usual. But, you should always make sure that you setting time limit is being matched with your working speed. I mean, if you will give yourself much shorter time, then it can make you feeling stressed. On the other hand, if you will set a time limit that will be broader than the usual, then it can make your work speed so slow.


4. Take a 5 minute break while working:

I have seen a masses of people who keep working without taking a little break continuously and call themselves a hard worker. But, the most miserable truth about them is that most of them used to be failed to have a great performance despite of working 24/7. Now you can ask me "why it's happening". Well, if you're one of them who believe that taking a break isn't good, then I want to make you know that there is no such things like that. If you will work continuously for more than two hours, then your brain can be jammed and everything you're going to do is going to be considered as a clichei. Taking a 5 minutes break after each hour of working can give you refreshment as well as can also give you the energy to work with a new mood in an efficient way. But, you should always keep an eye on that you're not taking breaks most frequently. Additionally with that, you must take break for a specific time. I mean if you're having the plan of taking a 5 minutes break, then don't take more than 5 minutes to rejuvenate yourself and start working after that.


5. Start working early:

There are several advantages of start working early. First of all, when you start working early, you can complete your working early. Secondly, there are a monumental people being who are likely to burn the midnight oil most frequently. But, for the most part working till late night is never going to be working for you. Because, science says that, "8:00 am to 12:00 am is the best time for reading and working on anything since the brain of human used to more active in the time duration." On the top of that, it can also help you to have be feeling less stressed. Since, only for start working early you can have a bunch of times in your hand to complete your tasks peacefully and efficiently.


6. Remove non essential tasks:

Tones of people are being out there who used to say that it's so arduous for them to maintain a good time management because they used to have lots to do on their plate. That's why it becomes impossible for them fulfill all the goals. If you're one of all those people, then removing non essential tasks can be a perfect strategy for you. Not necessarily it's going to be working for you every moment comprehensively. However, hopefully by cutting out all the non essential tasks from your routine you will be capable to save a decent amount of time.Most common non essential works are "chatting with friends", "watching TV shows or a whole movie", "playing video games" and "hang out with friends". If you're having any of the non essential tasks in your routine, then cut them out right now.



1. Be careful while setting goals.

2. Place your goals in order being wise.

3. Set a perfect time limit.

4. Take a five minute break while working.

5. Start working early.

6. Remove all the non essential tasks.





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