Top 10 powerful tips to have a successful career

 Hi my friends, Welcome again, 

The world is having estimated 7 billions people in the world. Each of them wants to be a successful person in their life. Even nor you is anomaly of that of that. But, success is not a doable thing to get. It takes a lot of efforts, hard work and strategies to be a successful person in life. 

However, a masses of people are being out there who don't know anything about these strategies of being a successful person in life. If you're one of them, then the article is for you. Because, in today's article, I am going to be talking about Top 10 powerful strategies that you must follow to become a successful person in life. 


So if you're being interested then continue reading to the last.

Top 10 powerful tips to become a successful person in life

1. Stop overthinking and start working: 

This is the first thing that I will suggest to almost everyone who hasn't gotten started with his plan or dream yet and is thinking of getting started. I have seen a bunch of people out there whose dream always used to remain a dream only for their overthinking. If you're thinking of some steps that you're going to take after getting started, then it's absolutely okay and it's never called overthinking. On the other hand, if you will be thinking about different stuffs over and over again, before getting started, then it will be nothing but overthinking and don't get me wrong but it's going to be tough for you to get started anymore. For instance, suppose a situation, where you want to start your own business and you're already having a plan about what you're going to do only next after setting up your own business, now it's entirely okay. But, now if you will think a lot about these stuffs like, "what to do next and then what to do next after that and what problems I am going to face" then, I am sure that it's going to be tough for you to get started. Because, first of all you will have to start and then everything will come in your way. So there is no point of thinking a lot before starting yet. Even I am not making any stories. All things I am saying here are also relatable to my experience. I can still remember how much I struggled before starting my blog only for overthinking. I was only thinking about the stuffs that is going to be happened with me in future. And after estimated 6 months, when I started, guess what? My journey was feeling entirely different from as I thought and overthinking was feeling only useless for me that wasted my 6 months!!!!

2. Do whatever you're passionate about:

 If you will do something that you apparently dislike to do, then it will never bring you happiness. I am saying this because I know that it's not always possible for everyone to get their dream job. But, it feels apparently miserable when they don't even try to get their dream job. For the most part it used to have several reasons for several people. Thousands of people are being out there who used to be compelled to continue their current job despite of disliking it only for being pressured by their family members. Because, for the most part, the parents and family members used to prefer some common high paying jobs like engineering, doctor or any governmental job. But, not necessarily a person is always going to love them. On the top of that, people are also likely to give up on their dream or idea when they used to be teased by others only for his idea. Moreover, there are also some other people are being who used to choose a job only for it's high paying. But, soon they used to regret. If you will continue to do work, you're not loving or enjoying, then soon maybe it will give you good salary or lifestyle, but at the end of the day, you will be always feeling dejected and shattered. That's why,it's so important to choose your goal wisely


3. Never stop loving the work you do:

This point is literally being connected with the first one. When you're doing a work, then you will have to make sure that you're not stopping to love it anyway. I am saying this because, I know a bunch of people are being out there who used to get started with a work that they they feel passionate about and only after some sort of times, they start loosing their interest on it. If you will lose your interest on the work you love to do, then it won't take time for you to give up on it. One of the biggest reason that can make almost anyone to lose their interest on their lovable thing is to not have fun along the journey. As an illustration, maybe you're doing a job that you loved to do but now you're feeling quite occupied nowadays, at this situation I will recommend you to have a vacation to feel a little bit rejuvenated. Otherwise, if you will keep working with a busy and boring schedule then soon chances are that you will start hating your job.


4. Be consistent:

Consistency means doing a work steadily in a regular basis for getting success on it.  Consistency is one of the biggest thing that you will ever need for being successful in your life Even, for some people consistency can be one of the biggest obstacle in their road of success. Because, consistency is not an effortless thing to handle. Since, it's a human nature that only except some exceptional people, most of the people in the world are likely to crave to get rid of works and even it doesn't matter how much high paying or good your job is! Some people might be disagree with me but all the people I have seen till yet in my life, most of them are having the same nature of craving to have some sort of moments without working. One of the biggest reason before not having consistency is laziness. Even it can be also happened with you if you're a beginner of something and you're not having any usual habit of doing this yet. For instance, one of my YouTuber friend who has started her own YouTube channel has been failed for only not having consistency. Because, she has uttered that it was being too tough for her to create videos since she was having a very occupied schedule. If busyness is the only foil for you in the road of having consistency just like others, then I want to make you know that making it an usual habit or a part of your life can be the only solution. The scientists say that, it takes estimated 60 days for a normal person to make something their habit. On the top of that, having a good time management can be also helpful for you to be consistent if you're not consistent yet.

Related articles: 

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5. Have patience and don't expect fast success:

Patience is such a bigger part of having success and obviously an another hardest point to maintain. One of the biggest reason that's why people consider being patient challenging is it's not having any time limitation. Whatever you do in your life, you must have patience. Maybe you're having a job where you are only a beginner and your salary is dependent on your promotion, then you will have to also wait for it and the waiting is one kind of patience. If you want to be a creator or something like that, then patience is must. I can say this so surely, because I am also a blogger and one kind of creator. Since, my success is only dependent on my number of audience, that's why, I have to wait and work regularly. Because, if you're a creator or something like that then obviously you know that getting exposures and producing content everyday is not a piece of cake. A tones of people in the world used to be stopped at the middle of their journey and used to admit their failure only for not having patience. Even, having patience can be also a game changer for you. Even one of the greatest people in the history of the world, Daisaku Ikeda has told that, "With love and patience, nothing is impossible."

6. Have long time visions:

Having a long time vision is the ability of watching the beautiful future where you're having your desired success in something. Some people might call it an over expectation only for not knowing about the actual difference between having an over expectation and having a long time vision. When you only watch dreams but don't work for that then it's called an over expectation. On the other hand, having a long time vision is something that helps you to grow and stay motivated. When you're feeling out of motivation despite of working too hard, then your that vision will inspire you to walk up and work for the desired future. In a word, an over expectation can be your weakness. But, your long time vision is your strength.


7. Develop your confidence:

Having self confidence is such a greater part of success. Whatever I will say will be less to elucidate the importance of self confidence. Self confidence is something that can make you and even can break you as well. If you will have self confidence, then it will be easier for you to get over every obstacle you will face on your way of success. Because, when you have a plenty of self confidence, then you believe in yourself and you know that success is must if you're passionate and disciplined enough. In contrast, if you won't have self confidence then it will be much more easier for anyone and anything to break you. And soon only for self doubt and lack of confidence, you will throw the towel soon. 

Even some of the greatest people in the world have also told some really motivational words about self confidence that will inspire you to believe in yourself.  Some of the beautiful quotes are:

1. " When you have confidence, you can do anything." - Sloane Stevens

2. " Confidence is everything. Confidence is what makes that simple white tee and jeans look good." - Ciara

3. "Confidence is a lot of this game or any game. If you don't think you can, you won't." - Jerry West.

4. "Skill and confidence are an unconquered army." - George Herbert

5. "The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence." - Blake Lively

Even you will be wondered to know that some people have given more importance to self confidence than money!!!! Some greater examples of that are:

1. "In fact, the confidence of the people is worth more than money." - Carter G. Woodsoon

2. "The circulation of confidence is better than the circulation of money." - James Madison

I feel you have understood that how much important it is to have self confidence! So, start practicing self confidence, if you're not having yet. Because, An another greatest person in the world, Robert Staubach says, " Confidence comes from hours and days and weeks and years of constant work and dedication."

Related posts:

Top 10 signs that of lack of confidence and low self esteem.

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8. Never stop learning:

This is probably the most pivotal part of being accomplished in life ever.  Learning is an unstoppable process that continues till our death. Whatever you will learn in your life will only increase your knowledge. Even I feel learning in the only thing in the world that is not having any side affects. The more you will learn, the more you will discover the world. Even every expert of something in the world that you you can see today was also a beginner once. So, if you're going to start out with something, then at the very beginning learning can be the best tool for you to come forth. One of the biggest way of gaining more and more knowledge is reading books regularly. Even you will be wondered to know that almost every successful person in the world loves reading books and even they have also claimed that they don't know any successful person who doesn't love reading books. 

And even a masses of accomplished and great  people are being out there in the world who have told something really motivational and meaningful about learning that will inspire you to learn more. Some of the greatest examples are:

1. "Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi

2. "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr. Seuss

3. "The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it from you." - B.B King

4. "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young." - Henry Ford

5. " Wisdom.........comes not from age, but from education and learning." - Anton Chekhov

6. "Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know." - Daniel Boorstin

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9. Don't care about perfectionism:

Perfectionism is such a greater resistance that will never let you to build a dazzling future for yourself. Perfectionism affects you from several prospects. Firstly it makes you more insecure about yourself and when caring about perfectionism becomes a part of your life, that moment it can even disappoint you for the most part. I can say this since I am also having some sort of really miserable memories with it. I can still remember that how much it was hurting when I was caring a lot about perfectionism and only that moment I was feeling depressed because my work wasn't looking perfect. But, when I finally got rid of perfectionism, I understood that no one is perfect in the world and even it's a fact that is " To err is human" So, literally trying to be a perfectionist is noting but a foux pas. Instead we should be trying to improve ourselves.


10. Stick to your point and even when you see that others are growing faster than you:

 I know how does it feel when you see that despite of getting started altogether others are growing faster than you. At that moment, we are likely to be feeling out of motivation and stressed and it feels almost impossible to continue our process anymore. I also faced up the same situation when I saw that other bloggers were getting thousand of page views per day within one month wheres I was getting only 50 vies per day on my first month. But, it didn't take time for me to get over the situation and I also started witnessing the light of success. After getting over it, I learnt some incredible lessons in my life. One of the biggest thing that I have ever felt is that it's not mandatory that everyone's strategy, growth and process will have to be the same always. Some times you should only keep working and waiting and the right things will come in your life at the right time


Overview of all the points in short:

1. Stop overthinking and start working.

2.  Do whatever you love

3. Love what you do

4. Be consistent.

5. Have patience and don't expect fast success.

6. Have long time visions:

7. Develop your confidence.

8. Never stop learning.

9. Don't care about perfectionism.

10. Stick to your point and even when you see that others are growing faster than you.






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    1. Such great tips! "Never stop learning" is one of my favorites.

    2. Great advice! So important to do whatever you're passionate about. It's so important to love what you do if you want to feel fuilfilled and be successful in life.

    3. Those are great tips. Most people don't realize that certain things take time

    4. Love this. I'm a big believer in the power of confidence so I think that is huge when it comes to success.

    5. This is so true. Success comes your way when you believe in it and work towards achieving it.

    6. I agree with most of the tips, It is a good read. Thanks for sharing!

    7. Love this. I'm still trying to figure things out, but I have faith that I will eventually.

    8. I love these tips. Doing what you are passionate is the goal and way here. Start with something that interest you and it might turn out to be your passion

    9. Some great advice - I think we all suffer from overthinking at times!

    10. I love these tips, especially the over-thinking things one - it's so easy to keep procrastinatinng and never actually got going on a project!

    11. These are great tips, and yes, we should not stop and always be patient in working to reach our goals and someday to become successful.

    12. Such great information here for us to chew through. Nuggets for each of us to pick and choose based on our goals and blocking points.

    13. I can't agree more about all these tips especially the first one. Stop planning, stop thinking and just do and learn from the mistakes...

    14. These are all great tips to be successful. I agree with pursuing your passion the most. I still need to work on building my confidence and stop overthinking

    15. I think overthinking is the most common issue of all. I couldn't agree with your post more overall too

    16. Being consistent is the major key! Whatever we do, if we aren't consistent, we are bound to give up and stop doing whatever we are much faster than we started!

    17. Love this!!!! Every single heading I kept saying out loud "YES". Such truth!

    18. Excellent tips for having a successful career. These pretty much covers everything.

    19. These are such great tips! I think it's all about passion and purpose. If you are doing what you love then you are sure to be successful in your career.

    20. I have been guilty of not being paitent and expecting of fast results

    21. Those are some really great and amazing tips! What I really love the most is the number 1. Stop overthinking and start working!

    22. This tips are great, really helpful. Thankyou for sharing!

    23. Thanks for this guide. The most important for me is passion. I have started a blog and have never been so passionate about anything in my life. Its not hard to learn if you have passion for it.

    24. You have provided some any great suggestions! Consistency is so important in anything you do!

    25. These are great tips. I love my job and working so I look forward to using these tips to have a stronger career.

    26. These are awesome and amazing tips! These tips are very helpful! Love this post


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