Top 6 types of toxic people that you should be always aware of [Part-2]

 Hi my friends, welcome again.

In my previous post, I have already talked about 6 types of toxic people. However, today when I was being in the search of new blog topic to write about, I find that that I am having estimated 6 additional points and all of these are related to my previous blog post. But, unfortunately I have forgotten to talk about them in the previous post. 

As a result, I finally decided to create the second part of it where I am going to be talking about another 6 types of  toxic people that you should be always aware of. I hope you will find it useful.


So if you're being interested, then continue reading to the last.

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Top 6 types of toxic people that you should be always aware of


Top 6 types of toxic people

1. Who acts like a rich:

When a person acts like a rich, then you can notice several features in him. First of all, they are likely to be showing off a lot for the overpriced things and jewelleries they're having. In reality, they care about looking rich more than being a true affluent person. Secondly, one of the biggest feature of this kind of people are, they're supposed to insult the skint people and not to have a a good behaviour with others. If you're having any minted friends, chances are you have already experienced this kind of people. To tell the truth, they're also one kind of egoistic people. Having this kind of people can create several problems in your life. First of all, if you're a not as rich as them or if you don't have any exclusive materials like them, then they can insult you occasionally in several places. On the top of that, if l love having a simple lifestyle or if you hate egoistic people, then for the most part the people who act like a rich can be feeling annoyed to you. 



2.  The selfish people:

Almost every of us is being known about the definition of a selfish person. When people only care about their own interest, and their own things and they don't care  a little about others, then they're called selfish. Simply tolerating a selfish person in life is nothing but continuing an useless work. A selfish person never knows compromising and sacrificing. Even sometimes they don't understand others. Since, they don't think about others, they can be a cheater, liar, egoistic or a combination of all of this. Despite of knowing all these, for the most part we allow ourselves to have them in our life. Because, sometimes some of them used to be so close to our heart and it becomes impossible for us to eliminate them from our life so effortlessly. Eventually we keep giving them different opportunities to stay in our life. But you should know that you can never receive any goods from a selfish person. A selfish person will always undermine you. So there is no point of having a selfish person in your life anyway.


3. Who acts like a boss:

People who act like a boss always try to influence others and control others every moment so that people will consider them a leader. For example, maybe you're having a team where you're having any person who always try to act like a boss. Then, chances are he is going to try to control others and even sometimes they can also announce themselves as a leader directly by themselves. One of the worst thing about this kind of people is, they used to be have a mindset of capturing others more than helping others. On the top of that, if in a same place there will be some sort of people with this same kind of mindset, then they can even quarrel with each other and can fight with each other for being a boss. If you're having anyone like this in your life, then I will recommend you to emit them from your life right that moment. Because he can also try to control you and from my perspective, I think that having only one person in life like this can be plenty for spoiling the life. 


4. The fake appreciators:

Now let's talk about something special and out of the chart. We all love getting compliments and appreciation from others. No one is anomaly of that. Even back in the time I was also a fan of getting compliments from others continuously. As a result, I used to care more about the people in my family and friend zone who were always applauding me. I was doing all the wrong works until I knew about the term  "fake appreciators". For the first time when I listened about that, it was also daunting for me to make myself understand that I was being under the impression for last few years. However, I was lucky that I knew about that so early. Fake appreciators are those who keep applauding others at any situation. Maybe you're not doing well in something, but after all they will keep applauding you because they're so witty and they know very well that only by giving you fake appreciations they can drive you towards distractions silently where no one will be known about that. They will never solve you when you do mistakes. They are the true toxic people. So eliminate all the fake appreciators from your life today.


5. The touchy people:

There are some people you will find who used to be assuming for almost every silly things. They used to be so sensitive and even sometimes they take a simple thing so solemnly. Not only that, the biggest feature that I despise about a touchy person is that they're likely to be weeping most frequently than the usual. Having this kind of touchy people in life can be so annoying. That's why, it's better not to have them in life.


6. The victim:

 There are a masses of people are being in the world who used to have the bad habit of blaming others when they used to be failed in something. For the most part they blame others for their misfortune. Moreover, they constantly seek attentions from others. They talk mostly about their excuses of failing. I don't know how you're going to be feeling about them. But, I will say personally I hate them because they are also one kind of pessimist and a trash of the society.


Overview of all the points in short: 

1. Who acts like a rich.

2. The selfish people.

3. Who acts like a boss.

4. The appreciators.

5. The touchy people.

6. The victim.

Last thought: Although, you should put yourself aware from this kind of people, but you must make sure that you're not judging someone so quickly. Moreover, you should also make sure that you're not having any of the toxic features. Otherwise, you can be also considered as a deleterious person.





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