Be a guest writer!!

The Incredible Variety is accepting Awesome Guest Posts!

Please send your ideas to:

What guest posting brings to you?

Writing a guest post is a great way to expand your reach on the internet.  If you want to establish yourself as a writer, increase traffic to your website or expand your products/services market, then you should consider writing a guest post article.  Guest posting allows you to reach a whole new audience.  

Why we thought of accepting guest posts?

There was a time, when our blog was struggling to get only a tiny amount of pageviews. But, with our persistence and hard work, we are getting over 20000 pageviews per month and the number is rapidly growing. Submitting guest posts on other blogs with high traffic, helped us a lot to be here. We, know there are still bloggers are being who are having gut wrenching situation with their blog. If you're one of those passionate bloggers, then submitting your articles here will definitely help you to increase your traffic a lot!

***Note: We don't pay you to submit your posts here. But, you will get some amazing benefits by submitting your article here for free. Moreover, you can also get some fantastic extra facilities by paying only 15$

Benefits of Guest Posting :

  • I will promote your post on all my social media platforms including instagram, twitter, reddit, quora and tumblr
  • You will receive backlinks to your site.
  • You will notice a rise on your traffic
  • It opens up your work to a new audience.
  • Adds to your writing portfolio.
  • You will be invited for our future collaboration and roundup plans.
Topics of interest:
I’m interested in “How To” or “List” posts related to the following topics: 
1. Self care

2. Personal development

3. Productivity and life hacks

4. Study hacks

5. Mental health and psychology

7. Books/cultural

8. Money/ finance

9. Health and wellness
10. Spirituality and motivation
11. Relationship and friendship
12. Women empowerment
13. Any inspirational personal story.

Also if you have a creative idea in mind I’d love to hear it. I am always open to new ideas!!

 Topics these are highly prohibited:

1. Any religious post or any post where other religions or any community has been mocked.

2. Any post about gambling and hacking.

3. Any post related to nudity and pornography.

4. Any political post.

5. Any post about drugs and alcohols.

6. Any post about illegal materials.

7. Any post that spreads any fake information or any type of negativity.

Tasks to do when you have finally decided to submit a guest post here:

  • Write a post that contains 1200-3000 words and overall looks like a high quality content.
  • Content must be your own original content and cannot appear anywhere else online.
  • No Affiliate links should be there. Unless it is your own product or service.
  • The post can have up to 2 links back to your blog (1 dofollow and 1 nofollow).
  • You can post a brief blurb on your own site to direct your readers to the guest post but DO NOT post and publish it on our own blog or another blog.
  • I reserve the right to edit the post to fit with my brand, for SEO purposes, or for clarity if needed. 
  • Please proofread your guest post carefully prior to submission. Great resources include Grammarly and Hemmingway.
  • If you include any photos make sure you own them or that they are from a photo-sharing like Pexels, Pixabay, or Unsplash.
  • kindly create an infographic and a pin for your post if you want it to be promoted on pinterest. 
Extra special advantages you will get by paying only 15$ :

1. Your post will be able to have up to 10 links back to your site. (any of dofollow or nonfollow links based on your choice and even you can add both if you wish)

2. You will be able to add up to 6 affiliate links on your post. (any of your own products or outside products based on your choice and even you can add both if you wish)

3. Your content will be accepted and even if it contains only 900-1200 words.

4. We will proofread your post for you and will also add photos there before posting if you wish.

5. We will create infographics and pins for your post to promote it on pinterest and on other social media accounts.

6. You will be the first will get notified through email if we will have any future collaboration and roundup post ideas.

 Once a guest post is accepted :-
  • You can include a brief bio (max 5 sentences) along with your photo and all of your social links and a link to your site in the bio.
  • Please submit in doc, docx, pdf or odt formats with headers and formatting should be clearly indicated. If you will submit via a shared Google Docs then,  make sure you allow editing permission to
  • You will be notified of the date your post will be published. You will be also sent the link of the post when it will be finally published!!


I look forward to hearing your great post ideas.




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